
Biden’s Blunder: Admission of Receiving Questions in Advance?!

In a recent press conference during his visit to Vietnam, President Biden found himself in another controversy. Not only did he hint that his staff had pre-selected the reporters he would call on, but he also quoted a non-existent movie and had to be escorted off the stage by his staff. Talk about a wild ride!

The president started off the conference with a casual greeting, joking about the time and situation. “Good evening, everyone. It is evening, isn’t it? This around the world in five days is interesting,” he quipped. But things quickly took a turn when Biden pulled out a list of pre-selected reporters to call on. It seems he wasn’t leaving it up to chance or the journalists’ expertise to ask tough questions.

With a puzzled look, Biden rummaged through his papers, trying to find the names of the chosen ones. “Let me see, they told me, they gave me five people here,” he muttered. It’s not a good look when the president has to rely on a script instead of speaking off the cuff.

As reporters clamored for attention, Biden grew irritated. “I ain’t callin’ on ya’, I’m calling on… I said I’ve got five questions!” he snapped. It’s clear that the president prefers a controlled environment where he can dictate the narrative, rather than facing the tough inquiries from the press.

This isn’t the first time the Biden Administration has been accused of cherry-picking questions and reporters. Last year, he was caught with a “cheat sheet” during a meeting with wind industry leaders, instructing him on how to enter and leave the room. And just a few months ago, he was seen holding another cheat sheet with a pre-determined question from a Los Angeles Times reporter. It seems the president relies heavily on prepared statements and canned answers.

Adding to the confusion, Biden experienced a brief moment of disorientation during the press conference, even wandering off the stage momentarily. It’s worrisome when the leader of the free world can’t seem to stay on message or keep track of where he is.

But perhaps the most bizarre moment came when Biden quoted a line from a John Wayne movie that doesn’t exist. Either he’s mixing up his film references or he’s making things up as he goes along. Regardless, it raises questions about his credibility and attention to detail.

All in all, this press conference was just another example of the Biden Administration’s penchant for controlling the narrative and avoiding tough questions. It’s disappointing to see a president who can’t handle the basic task of addressing the press without a cheat sheet or resorting to made-up movie quotes. The American people deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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