
Biden’s Blunder: Hamas Shields, POTUS Pleads Hospitals’ Safety

In a startling turn of events, President Joe Biden has once again raised eyebrows with his questionable response to Hamas terrorists operating beneath the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City. While U.S. officials confirmed the presence of a Hamas command and control facility beneath the hospital, Biden, in a striking display of naivety, insisted that the hospital “must be protected.”

The President’s stance has ignited a firestorm of criticism regarding his mental acuity and ability to effectively lead the country. It’s no secret that the radical Islamic organization Hamas has a history of using hospitals and schools as shields for its nefarious military activities. Yet, despite this widely known tactic, Biden inexplicably chose to advocate for the protection of a facility being exploited by terrorists.

Adding insult to injury, First Lady Jill Biden prompted the President’s misguided comments when a reporter inquired about his stance on Israeli precautions regarding hospitals in Gaza. Despite National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan acknowledging Hamas’ use of civilian facilities for military purposes, Biden’s stance remains shockingly irresponsible.

In stark contrast, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for the evacuation of patients from the Al-Shifa hospital, emphasizing the need to prevent Hamas from using it as a command center for terrorism. Netanyahu vividly portrayed the dire situation faced by Israel, highlighting the unimaginable impact of relentless rocket attacks on their cities.

Further exacerbating the situation, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) showcased evidence of Hamas terrorists carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher into another Gaza hospital. The IDF’s video walkthrough of a subterranean terrorist tunnel exiting into a hospital is a sobering reminder of Hamas’ unabashed exploitation of civilian infrastructure for its malicious agenda.

President Biden’s puzzling response and failure to acknowledge the imminent threat posed by Hamas’ infiltration of hospitals has only reinforced concerns about his fitness for the presidency. As tensions continue to escalate in the region, Biden’s inexplicable stance marks a worrisome display of misguided judgment and a disconcerting lack of understanding of the complex challenges posed by Hamas’ tactics.

Written by Staff Reports

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