
Biden’s Blunders: Forgetful POTUS Mistakes Egypt for Mexico

President Joe Biden, the forgetful wonder, managed to slip through the cracks of the Department of Justice (DOJ) last week. It turns out, being an elderly man with a memory like a sieve is a get-out-of-jail-free card. But don’t worry, folks, the president held a surprise press conference to defend himself, only to make yet another blunder by mistaking the president of Egypt for the president of Mexico. Classic Joe!

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, always a voice of reason, had former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich on her show to discuss the situation. And boy, did they have a field day. Ingraham proudly revealed that a close friend of hers, who had the pleasure of interacting with the president at the White House, described his memory and cognitive abilities as nothing short of “shocking.” Yikes, that’s not exactly a glowing review.

While the Democrats are working tirelessly to convince the American people that Biden is totally fine, anyone with a shred of common sense can see right through their charades. Let’s face it, folks, the man is a walking national security threat. But hey, who cares about that when we have a narrative to protect, right?

Ingraham and Gingrich had a good chuckle about the Democrats’ hilarious attempts to cover up Biden’s clear cognitive decline. They pointed out how some Democrats, like Senator Mark Kelly and Senator Richard Blumenthal, were spouting off about how sharp Biden is. It’s truly laughable, considering the mountain of evidence suggesting otherwise.

But wait, there’s more! Ingraham dropped a bombshell when she shared her friend’s encounter with the elderly president. It seems like the poor guy couldn’t even remember what day it was, let alone carry out the duties of the presidency. And yet, here we are, with Democrats desperately clinging to power while our country suffers.

Social media was abuzz with users echoing Ingraham and Gingrich’s concerns. One user hilariously pointed out that even in his prime, Biden couldn’t handle the responsibilities of being president. Another user called for the invocation of the 25th amendment, rightfully recognizing that it’s time for Biden to go. We can only hope that the Democrats wake up and realize the damage they’re causing before it’s too late.

Folks, we’re at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. The leader of the free world is struggling to remember basic facts, and the Democrats are doing everything they can to sweep it under the rug. It’s time for some accountability. It’s time to put someone in the Oval Office who can actually perform the job without embarrassing our great nation. Only time will tell if the Democrats have the guts to do what’s right.

Written by Staff Reports

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