
Biden’s Border Bill Bailout: Tax Dollars Ditched for Distant Lands!

In a shocking turn of events, President Joe Biden is once again trying to force through his radical agenda by pushing Congress to pass a reckless border security bill. This bill, disguised as a humanitarian effort, also includes aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. But don’t be fooled, folks! This is just another attempt by the left to waste our hard-earned tax dollars on foreign countries instead of focusing on the needs of hard-working Americans.

Biden’s scheduled address from the White House at 11:45 a.m. is just another opportunity for him to spew his socialist rhetoric and try to deceive the American people. You can bet that he’ll use emotional manipulation and fear tactics to try to push this disastrous bill through Congress.

However, there is hope on the horizon. Despite the President’s best efforts, the Senate GOP is standing strong against this bill, vowing to thwart its progress before it even reaches the House. Even House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has declared that the bill would be “dead on arrival” in the House. It’s a relief to know that there are still some elected officials who are willing to stand up for the best interests of the American people.

So, let’s not be misled by Biden’s smooth talk and empty promises. It’s up to us, the patriotic citizens of this great nation, to hold our representatives accountable and demand that they put America first. We can’t let Biden and his liberal cronies undermine our security and squander our resources on their globalist agenda. It’s time to take a stand and say no to this misguided border security bill. Freedom-loving Americans, unite!

Written by Staff Reports

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