
Biden’s Border Blame Game: A Hollow Bid for Control

The proposed deal in the Senate to curb illegal immigration has drawn criticism from former government officials with border security experience. These officials argue that President Joe Biden is simply trying to deflect blame for his ineffective policies. They believe that the deal would not work and that Biden already possesses the authority to curb illegal immigration meaningfully, but has neglected to do so. It’s like the White Star Line becoming serious about maritime safety after leaving Belfast, which we all know didn’t end well!

The deal, which has not yet been released to the public, reportedly places a limit on the processing of foreign national migrants who enter the country illegally at 5,000 individuals per day. If the average intake exceeds this threshold, the processing of all migrants would shut down for at least two weeks. This deal is nothing more than a political ploy by Biden to blame Republicans for the increased migrant flows caused by his own policies.

Former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf makes a great point when he questions why the Biden administration is suddenly showing interest in securing the border. For the past three years, they have shown no interest whatsoever. If they were serious about securing the border, they would have done so using their existing authorities. It seems like they’re just shifting blame once again and trying to confuse everyone with their nuanced immigration laws that no one understands.

Other former officials also believe that the provisions in the deal are unlikely to have any meaningful effect. They argue that Biden is essentially codifying the very open border tools he has been using to achieve his unlimited illegal immigration agenda. This includes measures like catch and release and allowing asylum fraud to run rampant. Biden already has the authority to fix the border mess he created, but suddenly now, in an election year, he expects us to believe he’ll use the proposed new authority? No way.

The deal also includes sending money to large Democratic-run cities to relieve them of the burdens of migrant intake. It’s clear that Biden is desperate for more funding to pay off these sanctuary cities and improve the optics in big cities like Chicago, which happens to be the host of this summer’s Democratic National Convention. It’s all about politics for Biden, not about actually solving the problem at the border.

The deal would mandate the detention of all single adult migrants who arrive illegally in the United States. It would also grant the government new authority to remove migrants who have sought asylum without a valid claim within six months. These measures might sound promising, but let’s not forget that the Biden administration has deliberately tried not to enforce immigration law for the past three years. So why should we believe they suddenly have a change of heart now?

Experts are sounding the alarm that accepting this deal would be catastrophic for the immigration system. They point out that 5,000 illegal entrants a day would add 2 million people to the country each year who are not legal immigrants. That is simply unsustainable. The same laws that President Trump used are still on the books, but the Biden administration refuses to use them. Congress should reject this deal and Biden should use existing authority to actually reduce illegal migrant crossings.

In the end, we shouldn’t be fooled by Biden’s empty promises and political posturing. He needs to take real action to secure the border and enforce immigration laws. If he wants to show he’s serious about the border crisis, he should stop playing games with negotiations and actually pass a bipartisan bill that will make a difference. But let’s not hold our breath for that to happen.

Written by Staff Reports

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