
Biden’s Border Bluff: Suing Him Might Just Backfire!

In a recent report by the New York Times, it was suggested that President Joe Biden might actually benefit if left-leaning organizations decide to sue him after he takes executive action on the border. Now, hold on to your hats, folks, because this news is hotter than a summer day in Texas!

As the never-ending saga of border struggles continues to ruffle feathers in Congress, President Biden is allegedly mulling over the idea of using his executive powers to put the brakes on illegal crossings into the good ol’ U.S. of A. Apparently, Uncle Joe might be dusting off some of those legal powers that former President Trump used, which, you guessed it, led to a whole bunch of lawsuits from the progressive crowd.

Now, let’s break it down, y’all. If these bleeding-heart organizations decide to take legal action against Biden, it could actually play into his hands. How, you ask? Well, it would give him a golden opportunity to point the finger at those pesky Republicans and blame them for not giving him the tools he needs to fix the border mess. Classic political maneuvering, if you ask me!

And don’t just take it from me, a die-hard conservative, even a Democratic strategist chimed in, saying that such a scenario would be a “big plus politically” for Biden. Can you believe it? The stars might just be aligning for President Biden in this high-stakes game of border control chess.

Now, let’s not forget the staggering numbers here, folks. In January alone, Border Patrol clocked in over 176,000 migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border. That’s enough people to fill a whole football stadium, and then some! With numbers like these, it’s clear that something’s gotta give, and fast.

But hey, hold your horses, Leslie Marshall, a Democratic strategist, is quick to point out that she doesn’t expect Biden to go down the same road as Trump. She’s hoping that Biden will take executive action that won’t get tangled up in the courts. Well, well, well, only time will tell how this border saga plays out, but one thing’s for sure – buckle up, folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Written by Staff Reports

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