
Biden’s Border Blunder Boosts Immigrant Invasion

The liberal border crisis has unleashed a tidal wave of foreign-born citizens flooding into the United States at a record pace. The numbers are staggering, with nearly 50 million immigrants now living in the country, making up a whopping 15% of the population. And guess what? This surge happened even quicker than experts predicted, all thanks to President Joe Biden’s open-door policies that have turned the U.S.-Mexico border into a free-for-all.

The Center for Immigration Studies dropped a bombshell report revealing that the immigrant invasion wasn’t supposed to hit the 15% mark until 2033, but whoopsie daisy, here we are! And get this, folks: the numbers could actually be even higher because the survey doesn’t even count all the sneaky immigrants who snuck in under the radar. Yep, it’s like trying to count how many jellybeans are in the jar, but the jar keeps getting bigger every time you look.

The report’s authors, Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, spilled the tea that more than half of the 4.5 million increase in the foreign-born population since January 2021 is likely due to illegal immigration. That’s right, folks. We’ve got millions of people strolling across our borders like it’s a leisurely Sunday afternoon walk. And who’s responsible for this mess? You guessed it – President Biden and his comically liberal entourage.

But it doesn’t stop there. Since Biden waltzed into the White House, the foreign-born population has ballooned by a gut-busting 4.5 million. That’s larger than the entire population of 25 of our states! These immigrants aren’t just popping up out of thin air, folks. They’re coming from South America, Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East like it’s the hottest new vacation spot.

And hold onto your hats, because according to the experts, if this trend keeps chugging along at its current pace, we could be looking at a mind-boggling 58.9 million immigrants in the U.S. by the end of a second Biden term. That’s 17.3% of the population, in case you lost count. And who’s footing the bill for all of this? That’s right, hard-working taxpayers like you and me.

So, buckle up, America, because it looks like we’re in for an immigrant invasion of epic proportions. And all thanks to the Biden administration’s open-border debacle.

Written by Staff Reports

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