
Biden’s Border Blunder: Ex-Officials Reveal Quick Fix Ignored

President Joe Biden’s claim that he lacks the power to fix the crisis at the southern border has been debunked by four former federal border and immigration enforcement officials. These officials explained that much of what Biden needs to do is reverse his repeals of effective Trump Administration policies that coincided with lower illegal immigration. By signing executive orders on his first day in office to end the border wall construction and revoke previous deportation orders, Biden undid the progress made in deterring illegal entries and improving border security. This move has led to chaos at the southern border.

Republican Senator James Lankford, independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema, and Democratic Senator Chris Murphy are currently negotiating a funding bill that includes border security. However, the former officials argue that Biden doesn’t need to wait for Congress to act. Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott stated that Biden can fix the problem with a stroke of a pen by turning back on the effective programs that were in place before. Jon Feere, former ICE Chief of Staff, added that if the White House truly wanted to end the chaos, they would cancel Biden’s executive orders and reinstate the Trump Administration’s policies.

One crucial program that Biden can reimplement is the “Remain in Mexico” program, which forces certain migrants who cross the border illegally to await court proceedings in Mexico. National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd explained that Biden can do this with his executive authority. However, thus far, the Biden Administration has prioritized gutting immigration enforcement and creating open borders through disastrous policies.

Former Chief Patrol Agent of the Yuma Sector in Arizona, Chris Clem, emphasized that Biden has the authority to implement multiple effective programs. These include the prompt asylum case review policies and reopening contracts for border security. Trump’s former acting ICE Director, Tom Homan, pointed out that section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes the president to suspend the entry of aliens who would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.

Under Biden’s leadership, illegal immigration at the southern border has reached record levels. Border Patrol recorded more than 2.2 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2022 and over 2 million in fiscal year 2023. Between October and December alone, there were over 629,000 encounters with migrants crossing the border illegally. It is clear that Biden’s actions have created a significant national security vulnerability and a crisis that he should address with his executive authority.

It is frustrating to see Biden claim that he lacks the power to fix the crisis at the border when he has the ability to reverse his own policies and reinstate effective measures. It seems that Biden is more interested in pursuing an open borders agenda than prioritizing the security of the American people. By undoing the progress made under the Trump Administration, Biden has put our nation at risk. It is time for him to take responsibility and take the necessary action to address the crisis at our southern border.

Written by Staff Reports

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