
Biden’s Border Blunder: Millions of Illegals Unleashed on US Soil!

New data has once again exposed the disastrous failures happening at the U.S. southern border. The House Judiciary GOP report has revealed that due to policy changes under the Biden administration, there has been a staggering increase in illegal border crossings and a significant decrease in interior enforcement measures. It seems like the Biden administration is more interested in rolling out the red carpet for illegal aliens than keeping our country safe.

Between January 20, 2021, and March 31, 2023, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shockingly failed to deport over 99 percent of illegal aliens who entered the country, even after going through immigration court processes. It’s mind-boggling how such a high percentage of illegal aliens are allowed to stay in our country, completely disregarding the rule of law.

According to the report, the Biden administration’s policies and so-called enforcement “priorities” have resulted in fewer arrests and fewer removals of aliens. Ice officials have come forward and revealed that the administration’s actions have led to an increase in releases and a decline in removals. It’s clear that Biden’s focus is more on pampering illegal aliens than ensuring the safety of American communities. What happened to putting America first?

The data speaks for itself. Since Joe Biden took office, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has encountered over 6.2 million illegal aliens at the southwest border. From January 20, 2021, to March 31, 2023, over 5 million illegal aliens were encountered, with a staggering 2.46 million still residing in the U.S. as of March 31, 2023. These numbers are absolutely astonishing and prove that our border is anything but secure.

To make matters worse, the Department of Homeland Security has released at least 2.15 million illegal aliens into the country, while an additional 205,473 were paroled through special programs. These figures do not even include the releases that occurred from April to September 2023, during which there were over 1.2 million more encounters. This is an absolute travesty!

It’s not just individuals crossing the border, but families, or those faking to be families, who are taking advantage of the lax enforcement. From the start of fiscal year 2021 to July 2023, over 1.1 million family unit individuals were released into the U.S., with an additional 188,524 transferred for potential release by ICE. The Biden administration’s inability to differentiate between genuine asylum seekers and those exploiting our system shows a complete disregard for the safety and well-being of American citizens.

Furthermore, testimonies from overwhelmed Border Patrol agents paint a bleak picture of our border situation. They speak of being inundated with migrants and struggling to cope with the challenges posed by the administration’s policies. These agents, who are on the front lines protecting our border, are crying out for support and resources.

One official revealed that their office had to redirect half of its Fugitive Operations officers to deal with processing aliens, hampering their ability to arrest and remove criminal aliens from the U.S. Another official highlighted the risks posed to officers and communities due to a Biden administration memorandum that restricts ICE officers from taking action near courthouses.

The gravity of the situation cannot be overstated. If the current removal rate continues, it will take ICE two decades to deport aliens with a final removal order who are not detained. This is unacceptable and only further emphasizes the Biden administration’s failure to secure our borders and protect our communities.

It’s clear that the Biden administration’s approach to immigration is a complete disaster. Their leniency and lack of enforcement have created a crisis that endangers the safety of American citizens. It’s about time they prioritize our national security over their misguided ideology. Our country is being taken advantage of, and the American people deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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