
Biden’s Border Bonanza: 12,600 Illegals in 24 Hours Outpace Concert Crowds!

The flood of illegal immigrants pouring over President Joe Biden’s border is unprecedented and record-shattering, but the president’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, nonchalantly dismissed the chaos by saying, “What we’re seeing here at the border, the migration flow—it’s not unusual."

The Daily Mail reported that on December 18th, the U.S. apprehended a whopping 12,600 migrants within just 24 hours. That’s more people than at a sold-out Taylor Swift concert! And as if that’s not enough, Breitbart News shared that the flow of illegals spiked to a jaw-dropping 8,800 migrants per day in the first half of December. 

Now, just for some perspective, in 2019, a former border chief under President Barack Obama, Jeh Johnson, said that a border “crisis” was defined as 1,000 migrants per day. 

When asked what more the White House should be doing to address this nightmare, Jean-Pierre deflected blame onto Republicans, saying, “The President understands that we need to do more.” Hold on, lady! It’s your boss, President Biden, who’s been flinging open the floodgates and inviting the chaos in!

Jean-Pierre had the audacity to blame Republicans for criticizing the fact that Biden has essentially thrown open the doors to anyone and everyone. She even pointed fingers at the GOP for the misleading info from the smugglers. But let’s call a spade a spade. Biden and his crew are basically luring in migrants like a fisherman with a shiny lure because they believe more immigrants means a stronger economy. 

In 2022, Biden brought in almost 3.2 million southern migrants, on top of the regular influx of legal migrants and contract workers. That adds up to 10 migrants for every seven births in the U.S. Good grief, that’s like inviting the whole neighborhood over for dinner every night! This administration’s approach to immigration is like turning on the faucet and walking away while the kitchen floods. It’s time for some common sense to flow!

Written by Staff Reports

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