
Biden’s Border Bonanza: 7.2M Illegals Swamp the U.S. Under Dems’ Watch!

President Joe Biden has been turning a blind eye to the massive wave of illegal immigration flooding the United States-Mexico border, and it’s causing quite a ruckus among conservatives. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spilled the beans that a whopping 7.2 million illegal aliens have traipsed in from February 2021 through January 2024, setting a new record for unlawful border crossings.

In just the first four months of Fiscal Year 2024, nearly a million illegal aliens have already snuck across the border. Can you believe it? And don’t get them started on Fiscal Year 2022, when over 2.37 million illegals made their way in, followed by an even larger 2.47 million in Fiscal Year 2023. It’s like a never-ending flood of people crashing the party without an invite.

To put it into perspective, about 3.6 million Americans are born each year, so Biden’s border blunders have allowed enough people to crash the border party to match two whole years of American births. That’s a whole lot of extra people traipsing around without so much as an invitation.

Now, this sea of unfamiliar faces isn’t just showing up and hanging out by the border. Nope, apparently, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spilled the beans that a whopping 85 percent of these border crossers and illegal aliens are being released into American towns and cities. Yikes! That’s like opening the floodgates and saying, “Come on in, stay awhile!”

As if the situation weren’t chaotic enough, this year, it’s expected that the foreign-born population in the U.S. will hit a staggering 50 million. Thanks, Biden. This includes both illegal immigration and legal immigration, with over a million legal immigrants flowing in yearly. That’s a whole lot of new neighbors cropping up, isn’t it?

Reps. Jim Jordan and Tom McClintock, two powerhouse Republicans, are demanding a full report on just how many of these border crossers and illegal aliens have been set loose in the U.S. interior. But, surprise, surprise, Mayorkas hasn’t been exactly forthcoming with the details. What’s there to hide, eh?

So, as the border woes mount, President Biden has a whole lot of explaining to do about how he’s been handling this border bonanza. And with the way things are going, it’s a wild ride that shows no signs of slowing down. Yeehaw! Let’s see how this immigration rodeo plays out.

Written by Staff Reports

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