
Biden’s Border Bonanza: Record Work Permits for Migrants, Americans Left in the Dust!

The Biden administration continues to flaunt the nation’s immigration laws by handing out work permits to migrants in a shocking and unprecedented manner. It’s as if they’re throwing a party at the border and giving out freebies to anyone who shows up!

In a blatant disregard for the rule of law, the administration has been dishing out work permits like candy on Halloween night, allowing migrants to bypass the proper immigration process and take American jobs. This is a slap in the face to hard-working Americans who are already struggling to find employment in the wake of the pandemic.

But wait, it gets even more outrageous! Not only are they flouting our immigration laws, but they’re also sending the message that the United States is open for business to anyone who wants to cut the line and jump ahead of those who are patiently waiting to come to our country legally.

It’s time for the Biden administration to stop rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants and start prioritizing the needs of American citizens. The border crisis is spiraling out of control, and it’s high time for the president to wake up and smell the coffee. The American people deserve better, and it’s up to us to hold our leaders accountable for their reckless and shortsighted decisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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