
Biden’s Border Crisis: More Crossers than 11 States’ Population!

Joe Biden’s presidency has led to a staggering number of border crossers in the United States with unresolved asylum claims. According to federal data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies, over 1.6 million border crossers are currently in the U.S. with asylum claims that will likely be denied. This is more than the population of 11 entire states! Talk about an overwhelming burden for our country.

Under Biden’s Department of Homeland Security, a catch and release policy has been in full swing, with tens of thousands of border crossers being released into the interior of the country each month. And to make matters worse, many of these individuals have dubious asylum claims, adding insult to injury.

The damage caused by the Biden administration’s mishandling of the asylum system cannot be ignored. By releasing nearly every border crosser encountered, they have effectively broken the system and turned it into a free-for-all. And to add insult to injury, it will take years for these cases to be adjudicated, leaving the burden on our already overwhelmed adjudicators.

The number of border crossers with unresolved asylum cases is the highest on record in American history. This represents a 16-fold increase from just a decade ago. Clearly, the Biden administration’s lax border policies are not working. We need strong leaders who prioritize the safety and security of our nation.

It’s no surprise that a large percentage of these border crossers end up having invalid asylum claims. Year after year, the data shows that the majority of them are denied asylum. In fact, in Fiscal Year 2020, a staggering 70 percent were denied the ability to stay in the U.S. Yet, the Biden administration continues to turn a blind eye to this reality.

While it’s important to show compassion to those fleeing dangerous situations, we must also uphold the rule of law and protect our country’s borders. This is not a partisan issue; it’s a matter of national security. The Biden administration’s failure to address this crisis will have long-lasting consequences for our country. It’s time for them to step up and put America first.

Written by Staff Reports

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