
Biden’s Border Crisis: Ted Cruz Exposes Child Trafficking Nightmare

The crisis at the southern border of the United States under President Joe Biden’s administration continues to spiral out of control. Despite the clear evidence of rampant human and sex trafficking, particularly of children, Biden refuses to implement effective policies to address this catastrophic situation.

While touring the border, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz witnessed a deeply troubling incident. He encountered a man in his thirties with a young girl who claimed to be his daughter, but it was obvious that he was lying. The man tightly grasped the girl, preventing her from running away, as she displayed sheer terror on her face. This heart-wrenching scene, witnessed by Cruz, exposes the horrifying consequences of the open borders agenda supported by Biden and his followers.

Tragically, Border Patrol agents are left powerless under Biden’s policies. They are forced to process individuals like the man and the girl and subsequently release them into the country without conducting proper verification of their relationship. Unlike the previous administration under President Trump, which implemented DNA testing to confirm familial ties, Biden has irresponsibly discarded this essential safeguard.

For years, Biden’s lax policies, which promote the idea that adults should stay with children they claim to be their own, have allowed pedophiles and abusers to exploit these regulations without facing consequences. President Trump recognized the severity of this issue and put in place strict measures to fight against this heinous crime. In 2018, Townhall revealed that due to fraudulent documentation, smugglers’ profits, and false asylum claims, it has become nearly impossible to verify if adults traveling with children are genuinely their parents or guardians.

Then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley warned about the consequences of catch-and-release policies that facilitate the smuggling industry. These policies allowed any non-Mexican or Canadian individual crossing the border with a child to be treated as a family unit and subsequently released into the country. However, Trump’s zero-tolerance policies mandated their detention until prosecution, providing a vital deterrent against child exploitation by smuggling rings.

Furthermore, Grassley highlighted the disturbing reality that children are being kidnapped or falsely claimed as family members by adults seeking to exploit loopholes in the immigration system. This reprehensible practice fuels an underground market for counterfeit birth certificates and leaves these vulnerable children exposed to labor or sex trafficking once they reach the United States.

Despite these alarming revelations, Biden’s administration remains focused on the misguided notion that open borders and loose immigration policies are the way forward. Meanwhile, the influx of adult males entering the country shows no signs of dwindling. This situation demands immediate action to protect the innocent lives at stake and restore sanity to our border security.

Written by Staff Reports

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