
Biden’s Border Disaster: 600K Got-Aways & National Security Crisis!

In a shockingly alarming revelation, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confessed, during a Congressional hearing, that known got-aways at the border have exceeded a staggering 600,000 for the second year in a row. Can you believe that? OVER 600,000! It’s like they’re giving out free passes to anyone who wants to sneak into our country illegally!

And that’s not even the worst part. Brace yourselves, folks. We’re talking about more than 3.1 million illegal crossings in just the past year alone. Two million of those were illegal entries. I mean, seriously, is there any end to this madness?

Let’s break it down even further. According to Customs and Border Patrol, in Biden’s first year, there were only about 389,000 known got-aways. But hold on to your hats because in his second year, that number skyrocketed to over 600,000! And guess what? It gets even worse in his third year! It’s like a never-ending rollercoaster of failure. It’s no wonder we’re now looking at least 1.5 million, possibly even 2 million, illegal immigrants who have waltzed into our country without any consequences since Biden took office. Can you imagine the impact that has on our economy, our safety, and our way of life?

But wait, there’s still more. We can’t forget about the unknown got-aways. We’re talking about potentially hundreds of thousands more undocumented individuals who slipped through the cracks. It’s mind-boggling! One can’t help but wonder how many of these unknown individuals are actual threats to our national security. After all, more people on the FBI’s terrorist watch list were apprehended at the border in just one fiscal year under Biden than in the entire six years before that. This is a ticking time bomb, my friends!

It is an absolute disgrace that our government cannot even keep track of who is coming into our country. The Biden administration’s border policies are an absolute failure. And Mayorkas, the DHS Secretary, instead of providing a straightforward answer, just dodged the question like a skilled politician. We need real solutions, not empty platitudes.

Fellow patriots, we must urge our leaders to address this issue with the urgency it deserves. Our national sovereignty and the rule of law are at stake. We cannot let our borders be seen as a revolving door for anyone who wants to enter illegally. It’s time for accountability, it’s time for action, and it’s time for a leader who puts America first!

Written by Staff Reports

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