
Biden’s Border Fiasco: Ex-Chief Reveals Truth Behind Epic Fail

Let’s talk truth, folks. The recent mess at the border? Yeah, it’s as bad as Aunt Sally’s burnt cookies, and it’s all thanks to good ol’ President Biden. The former Border Patrol bigwig, Rodney Scott, let loose on Fox News, pointing fingers and naming names. Like a detective in a mystery novel, only this case ain’t fiction.

President Biden walked into a perfectly secure border handed to him on a silver platter, a gift-wrapped box of safety by the previous administration. But what does Biden do? In a move that defies all reason, through his countless executive orders, he just tears that secure border down like a kid at a Lego convention. It’s like bringing a wrecking ball to a fine china shop.

But that’s not all – according to Scott, this whole debacle is just a show for the cameras. Biden, prancing around the border with his team like it’s a runway, while real issues go unnoticed. Just a facade to fool the masses, Scott claims. And speaking out against the wrongs he saw? Well, that’s a one-way ticket to Retirementville. Despite being a good soldier, Scott got the boot for daring to speak the truth.

The cherry on top? Trump, yes, the man with the hair and the tan, not to be outdone by Biden, decides to crash the party at the border. He even whispers (or yells, who can tell with him) that the border agents are basically fighting a war. No punches pulled there. Biden visits a spot where the migrant traffic is light, like showing up at a party after the cake is gone.

As the drama unfolds, it’s clear this border fiasco will be the main event of the upcoming election. Will voters wake up and smell the burnt coffee? With Biden driving the ship, it seems like we’re all passengers on a sinking boat. Scott saw it first-hand and let’s be real, he’s like the canary in the coal mine, folks – warning us of the impending doom if we don’t change course.

So, buckle up, America. The ride ain’t over yet. And remember, next time you see Biden on TV, just imagine a clown juggling while the circus burns behind him. It’s about as real as it gets these days.


Written by Staff Reports

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