
Biden’s Border Mess Drives Massive Democratic Outrage

In a recent interview with CNN, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) didn’t hold back in his criticism of President Joe Biden’s handling of the ongoing border crisis. Cuellar boldly stated that Biden is “afraid” to show illegal migrants being deported, claiming that the president is more concerned about pleasing far-left groups and activists than actually addressing the issue at hand.

Cuellar pointed out that previous administrations, like President Obama’s, were not afraid to show the American people the repercussions of crossing the border illegally. He called for the Biden administration to follow suit and start showing video footage of people being sent back to their home countries. After all, actions speak louder than words, and it’s time for the public to see the consequences faced by those who try to enter the country unlawfully.

It’s worth noting that Cuellar isn’t the only Democrat starting to feel the pressure. Even blue-led states like New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. are starting to feel the effects of the border crisis as thousands of illegal migrants are being shipped to their cities. It seems like these Democrats are finally waking up to the reality that the border crisis is everyone’s problem, not just those living near the border.

While Cuellar acknowledged that there have been some improvements at the border, he emphasized that there is still much work to be done. The numbers don’t lie. In August alone, Border Patrol agents made 181,509 arrests at the Mexican border, a staggering 37 percent increase from July. And let’s not forget that this year alone, encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border have reached record highs. It’s clear that the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies are not deterring illegal crossings.

Interestingly, when asked about constructing a border wall, Cuellar stated that deportations are a better option. This is a refreshing perspective coming from a Democrat, as many of his colleagues in non-border cities have suddenly jumped on the border control bandwagon. It seems that now that they’re witnessing firsthand what border states have been dealing with for years, they’re finally starting to come to their senses.

Overall, Cuellar’s criticism of Biden’s approach to the border crisis is warranted. The numbers speak for themselves, and it’s clear that the Biden administration’s policies are failing to secure the border. It’s time for the president to show some courage, take decisive action, and prioritize the safety and security of American citizens over political appeasement.

Written by Staff Reports

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