
Biden’s Border Order Fails to Boost Approval Ratings, Trump Leads in Key Poll

Biden’s latest attempt at border security seems to have been much ado about nothing. Despite issuing an executive order to limit asylum cases at the U.S.-Mexico border, his approval ratings are still in the basement. A recent Monmouth poll reveals that President Joe Biden’s job rating continues to lag behind that of his predecessor, Donald Trump, no matter how he tries to spin his border policy.

The survey found Biden’s border security executive order received mixed reviews: 40% of Americans approved, 27% disapproved, and a surprising 33% couldn’t be bothered to form an opinion. While Biden might expect a standing ovation for his efforts to ‘secure’ the border, the reality bites. Even though support was “evenly spread” among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, Republicans and Independents were slightly more inclined to oppose the move, proving that Biden just can’t win over everyone – or, let’s face it, anyone significant.

In the big picture, Biden’s approval on this issue is slightly more positive than negative, but he can’t seem to translate that into a boost in his overall job performance ratings. As per the poll, only 38% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, a drop from his 42% approval rating in April. Meanwhile, Trump gleefully watches from the sidelines as his retrospective approval rating edges up to 47%, eclipsing the sitting president’s performance.

Patrick Murray of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, while summarizing the results, threw out a lifeline by suggesting Biden’s border move may have helped him with some Independents. However, it’s clear that the president is stuck in a political quagmire, unable to make significant headway. The real takeaway here is that Biden is struggling to neutralize the border issue among Independents without ticking off his base, making this so-called “political win” as see-through as his border initiatives.

Despite the fanfare surrounding Biden’s border policy, the poll highlights a glaring reality: Biden’s ratings are dropping like temperatures in December. With an approval rating that stands at a dismal 38% and a disapproval rating at a robust 58%, it appears that Biden is failing to convince the voting public that he’s got the right stuff.

A stark contrast is evident among Independents, where a colossal 66% disapprove of Biden and only 29% offer their faint praise. Compare this to the 44% of Independents who give Trump a thumbs-up in hindsight, and it’s clear that Biden has more than just a “border” issue to worry about. Thanksgiving may come early for Trump, with Independents seemingly developing a nostalgic fondness for his presidency when compared to the current administration’s floundering.

The Monmouth University survey, conducted with 1,106 adults, reinforces what many conservative Americans already believe: Biden’s presidency is an epic fail. As the 2024 elections loom, Biden’s dwindling approval ratings spell trouble. For Trump and his supporters, it looks like a promising return from the political wilderness is just around the corner.

Written by Staff Reports

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