
Biden’s Border Parole Farce: Media Helps Dems Push Open Borders Agenda

The new plan by the Biden administration to improve the southern border is a cynical attempt at making the situation look more orderly. Its goal is to give the appearance of legality to the illegal immigrants entering the country.

The media is playing along with the charade, as they are reporting that the influx of half a million immigrants is an expansion of the "legal" immigration system. These are not the people who have been in the country legally and are using the new system created by Biden to get around the law. It is a slap in the face for those who have already gone through the process to become legal immigrants.

The media tends to focus on the enforcement and deterrence of the law, while ignoring the real horrors caused by the incentive structure. Although the number of encounters may have gone down, they are still very high. Journalists should have been presenting a more balanced perspective, but instead, they are instead busy patting Joe Biden on the back for his lies.

Using smoke and mirrors, the Biden administration is trying to paint a rosy picture of its immigration policies. Rather than acknowledging the actual number of apprehensions, they are still claiming that there are fewer got-aways and illegal immigrants being let into the country. This is neither a victory nor a solution, as it continues to relocate the problem and prevents the government from addressing the national security issues.

Tom Homan, a former acting head of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has accused the administration of manipulating the numbers. It is clear that the goal of the Biden administration is to give the impression that the number of immigrants entering the country is decreasing, while at the same time, protecting the cartels and human trafficking organizations operating in the country.

Let's not forget about the lack of response to the foreign governments that are interfering in the US elections. Despite claiming that they are all about democracy, the Biden administration is not interested in commenting on this issue if the interference helps Democrats. It is a clear example of their double standards.

The American people need better leadership, not a cynical farce. The statistics must be presented transparently and should not be dismissed as partisan spin by the press or the left. It is time for the country's leaders to focus on securing our borders and enforcing the law.


Written by Staff Reports

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