
Biden’s Border Policies Exposed: Huge Florida Human Trafficking Bust

Despite the Biden Administration’s insistence that the southern border is closed, it seems that the disastrous effects of their lenient policies are being felt by millions of Americans. That’s right, folks, it’s time for another episode of “Biden’s Border Blunders!”

In the sunshine state of Florida, authorities have made a major bust in a human trafficking operation. A whopping 219 people have been arrested, and you won’t believe who some of them are. We’ve got folks in the country illegally, a high school teacher, and even three Disney employees! Mickey Mouse must be hanging his head in shame.

Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County proudly declared this as the largest human trafficking bust in the county’s history. And get this, out of the 119 prostitutes that were apprehended, 21 of them could potentially be victims of human trafficking. This is just another example of the sinister side effects of Biden’s border policies.

But it doesn’t stop there, folks. These deadly cartels are raking in a cool $13 billion a year from their human trafficking schemes. That’s right, Joe Biden’s failed policies are making cartels richer than ever. It’s like they say, “crime pays” in Biden’s America.

One of the suspects, Freddy Escalona, has spilled the beans to authorities. Turns out, he was profiting from multiple women that he was transporting and exploiting for their activities. Talk about a real-life Disney villain! It’s sickening, folks, and it’s all happening because Biden can’t be bothered to secure our border.

This year alone, law enforcement has identified a total of 45 human trafficking victims. That’s 45 innocent lives that have been saved, thanks to the hard work of Sheriff Judd and his team. But let’s not forget, these victims are just the tip of the iceberg. Countless more are being sold into the hands of dangerous cartels, all because Biden won’t take action.

Even our schools and beloved Disney are not safe from the clutches of human trafficking. It’s outrageous that an athletic director and teacher at Vanguard School and Auburndale High School REAL Academy, respectively, have been caught up in this heinous crime. And to top it off, three suspects were Disney employees, while another worked at one of their hotels. Can we trust anyone these days?

The numbers don’t lie, folks. Over a million people fell victim to human trafficking in 2021, and we’re on track for an even higher rate in 2022. This crisis is only getting worse, and it’s all because of Biden’s open border policies. It’s time for him to take action and protect the most vulnerable among us. But hey, who needs safety and security when you can have open borders, right? Stay tuned for more “Biden’s Border Blunders”!

Written by Staff Reports

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