
Biden’s Border Policies Under Fire as Four Bodies Found in Scorching New Mexico Desert

Border Patrol agents discovered four tragic reminders of the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies in the sizzling desert around Sunland Park, New Mexico. The bodies were found baked under the relentless 100-degree heat, a testament to the dangers of the human smuggling operations that are rampant due to the lack of secure borders.

The Sunland Fire Department announced on social media that they were involved in the recovery operations. The bodies have now piqued the interest of a host of law enforcement agencies, including the Doña Ana County Sheriff’s Office, the Sunland Park Police Department, and the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator. Clearly, the bureaucratic machine is in overdrive trying to handle the fallout from the administration’s leniency.

According to local reports, these unfortunate souls were likely illegal aliens attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. Heat stroke and dehydration are common killers for illegal immigrants who are lured by the false promise of amnesty and ‘open borders’ rhetoric. This corner of the desert has seen at least 20 deaths since May, underscoring the deadly consequences of the current administration’s policies.

The news comes on the heels of another ghastly discovery. Just last week, the Sunland Fire Department had to pull multiple bodies from the Rio Grande. The Fire Chief recounted the grim scene where only one out of five people found in the water survived. Typically, these brave first responders are tackling fallen illegal immigrants off the border wall; the trend of water rescues, much like the border situation, is escalating beyond control.

This year, the mysterious upswing in dangerous water conditions has left even fire department officials scratching their heads. Coupled with the influx of illegal immigrants risking their lives to cross a porous border, these undercurrents mirror the chaotic whirlpool that is the current immigration policy. It’s high time Washington woke up and realized that their lenience is literally killing people.

Written by Staff Reports

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