
Biden’s Border Wall: Critics Stay Mum After Throwing Shade at Trump!

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, against the wishes of New Mexico politicians, is moving forward with plans to build more border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. After a two-year hiatus, the Department is waiving 26 federal laws to complete a 20-mile section of wall in the Rio Grande Valley. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the decision, citing the need to prevent unlawful entries into the United States. Border Patrol agents in the region have already apprehended over 245,000 foreign nationals who illegally entered the country since the beginning of the fiscal year. The situation is escalating as more and more people attempt to cross the border.

It’s interesting to see how some of the New Mexico politicians who were vehemently opposed to the border wall during President Trump’s administration have suddenly gone silent now that President Biden is carrying on with the project. U.S. Senator Ben Ray Lujan, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, all Democrats, have been noticeably quiet on the matter. In fact, Senator Heinrich once called the border wall “an ugly symbol of hatred” and Senator Lujan openly stated that he wouldn’t give a penny to President Trump for his “ridiculous wall.” Now that their own party is in power, it seems their stance has conveniently changed.

It’s concerning that these politicians are willing to put their own party interests above the safety and security of the American people. The border crisis is a real and immediate threat, and we need strong border enforcement to maintain the rule of law. President Biden’s decision to continue building the border wall shows that he recognizes the seriousness of the situation, even if some of his fellow Democrats are reluctant to admit it. It’s time for politicians to put aside their partisan agendas and work together to protect our borders and keep our citizens safe.

Written by Staff Reports

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