
Biden’s Campaign Flounders as Key Voters Abandon Ship Trump Smashes in Iowa Polls

Brace yourselves, because the Democrat ship is sinking, and Joe Biden is at the helm, frantically bailing out water with a leaky bucket. The June 27 debate looms large for Biden, a veritable last stand for a president floundering with voters who used to be staunch allies. Key demographics—voters Democrats thought they had in the bag—are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship. The PR disaster that was Biden’s State of the Union address, lauded by Democrats and their media lapdogs as a rallying cry, has backfired spectacularly. Voters, particularly Black Americans under 50, have had enough, flocking to Trump in historic numbers while liberal pundits scratch their heads in bewilderment.

To add insult to injury, Biden’s record with young people, Hispanics, and Muslim voters is as flaccid as his handshake. The Obama coalition? Disillusioned and disinterested. Democrats must have chugged their Pepto-Bismol upon seeing the recent J. Ann Selzer poll. In Iowa, a blowout is on the horizon with Trump leading Biden by a jaw-dropping 18 points. Even two weeks post-conviction in a New York courtroom on multiple felony counts, Trump sits comfortably ahead of Biden with 50% to Biden’s 32%. For anyone keeping score, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes a notable blip with 9%, and Libertarian hopeful Chase Oliver nets 2%, leaving just a paltry percentage undecided or non-participatory.

The implications of these numbers are gargantuan. We’re less than five months out from Election Day, and Biden’s approval ratings are tanking faster than Hunter Biden’s laptop batteries. Among all Iowans, a dismal 28% approve of Biden’s presidency, while a crushing 67% registered their disapproval with an authority only heartache can muster. This is a downtrend that’s been going on since early 2023, with approval ratings teetering on irrelevance.

Pollster Frank Luntz also chimes in, suggesting that the media doesn’t have a clue about what’s happening. Trump’s indictment—a news cycle nightmare for any other politician—is seemingly a speed bump he’s overcoming with grace. Still pulling nearly equal with Biden in historically blue states, Trump’s polling performance post-indictment is unprecedented, forcing the pundit class into furious mental gymnastics.

Independent voters? Forget about it. They’re ticked off at both parties, ready to vote out of sheer frustration. Luntz’s observations hint that voters are simmering, ready to burst, and that this mess could add another chapter to the political chronicles of 2024. One thing is clear: if Trump can dominate Iowa by 18 points, he’s poised to flip states like Michigan and Wisconsin, maybe even snag Minnesota for good measure. Biden’s current campaign talking points—bogeymen like January 6 and political violence—hold no water. It’s hard to see how Biden plans to pull out of this nosedive.

The stage is set for a dramatic election season. Stay tuned, because this is a political rollercoaster no one wants to miss.

Written by Staff Reports

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