
Biden’s China Meeting in SF Ignites GOP Fury Amid Security Fears

In a shocking turn of events, President Biden has decided to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco, which has sparked outrage among leading House Republicans. The Republicans are blasting the President for agreeing to a meeting with the Chinese leader, especially after a series of unsuccessful meetings between senior Biden administration officials and Chinese Communist Party officials. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael T. McCaul and Rep. Young Kim, chairwoman of the panel’s Indo-Pacific subcommittee, are leading the charge in criticizing the President’s decision.

The Republican legislators argue that the United States has gained nothing from these meetings and should not remove any existing restrictions for what they predict will be another futile meeting. They emphasize the detention of American citizens, genocide, human rights abuses, and the influx of deadly fentanyl into American cities as reasons why the President should not be engaging in a meeting with the authoritarian leader of China. They are calling for a focus on cultivating relationships with America’s Democratic allies and not engaging in what they see as “useless photo ops” with China.

Furthermore, Rep. Mike Gallagher, who chairs the House’s Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, organized a letter signed by 12 other Republicans, urging President Biden to reverse what they believe are months of misguided policies towards China. They are also demanding the release of U.S. citizens wrongfully imprisoned in China. The lawmakers accuse the administration of making concessions to China’s Communist regime without seeing any concrete results in return.

Adding to this already contentious situation, China’s military forces have reportedly set up a system to detect and destroy U.S. satellites in space as part of its space warfare capabilities. Space Force Chief of Operations Chance Saltzman revealed the Chinese military’s efforts, raising concerns about the vulnerability of U.S. military satellites and the need to develop a strategy to counter such threats. This revelation underscores the escalating tensions between the United States and China in the realm of space security.

On the arms control and verification front, the State Department’s move to rename its bureau focused on these issues has drawn criticism from arms control proponents. Critics argue that the rebranding weakens efforts to achieve meaningful arms agreements and promotes a “trust, but don’t verify” policy. The bureau, previously known as the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, has been renamed as the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability. Critics are concerned that this change reflects a reluctance to enforce treaties and verify compliance with existing agreements.

Overall, these recent developments have stoked the flames of discontent among conservative Republicans, who view President Biden’s engagement with China and the administration’s approach to arms control and verification as detrimental to American interests. As tensions with China continue to simmer, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will navigate these challenges amidst growing scrutiny and opposition from conservative lawmakers.

Written by Staff Reports

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