
Biden’s CNN Coddle-Fest- Bumbling Even with the Softball Treatment!

CNN’s interview with Joe Biden has set new records for groveling softballs, according to conservative news writer Nick Arama. Arama criticizes CNN for its lack of objectivity and describes their interview with Biden as a prime example of parroting the Democratic line. Arama highlights a particular question from CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, who asks Biden why he thinks people who believe he’s been a great president are wrong in suggesting he should step aside for another generation of Democrats. Arama scoffs at Zakaria’s question, claiming that the majority of people do not think Biden is doing a great job. He cites an ABC News/Washington Post survey that found only 18% of Americans strongly approve of Biden’s performance as president.

Arama goes on to criticize Zakaria’s assertion that Biden has brought the economy back. He argues that Biden has actually destroyed the economy through overspending, leading to record inflation. Arama also accuses Biden of mishandling the withdrawal from Afghanistan and emboldening China and Russia. Arama points out that Biden couldn’t even give a good answer to Zakaria’s softball question, further undermining the perception that Biden is doing a great job.

Throughout the interview, Arama argues that Biden continues to be factually challenged. He notes that Biden falsely claimed the price of oil is down when it is actually up. Arama also points out that Biden took credit for “The Quad,” a foreign policy agreement, even though it was former President Trump who initiated it. Additionally, Arama criticizes Biden for backtracking on his statement calling China’s leader Xi Jinping a dictator and for not being able to definitively label him as a bad guy. Arama concludes that Biden’s lack of confidence and understanding in his own actions is why people have no confidence in his leadership. Arama’s conservative bias shines through in his scathing critique of both Biden and CNN’s interview tactics.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden’s CNN Coddle-Fest- Bumbling Even with the Softball Treatment!