
Biden’s Comedy Flop: When Politics and Punchlines Don’t Mix

On Friday, the nation witnessed another failed attempt at humor from Joe Biden. It seems like he tries to use jokes as a way to deflect criticism, but this time it just fell flat. In a weak attempt to mock Republicans, Biden said, “Republicans may have to find something else to criticize me for now that inflation is coming down. Maybe they’ll decide to impeach me because it is coming down. I don’t know. I love that one, uh, anyway, that’s another story…”

Unfortunately for him, the joke didn’t land and the audience was met with an uncomfortable silence. It’s almost as if the White House should consider hiring a laugh track or maybe invest in a good fact-checker. Speaking of facts, Biden also claimed that “Wages are up!” But it didn’t take long for critics to point out that since he took office, real wages have actually decreased by 3%.

And if that wasn’t enough cringeworthy moments for one day, Vice President Kamala Harris decided to profess her love for Venn diagrams. Yes, you heard that right. She proudly expressed her fondness for those overlapping circles, saying, “I love Venn diagrams, I really do! … I’m just kind of an undercover geek!”

Well, at least she’s being honest about something. But maybe instead of geeking out over diagrams, she should focus on addressing the border crisis or finding solutions to the skyrocketing gas prices. It’s clear that the Biden administration is more interested in making awkward jokes than actually delivering results for the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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