
Biden’s COVID Policies Tank Teen Math & Reading: Worst Scores in Decades!

The implementation of COVID policies by the Biden administration led to a drastic decline in the reading and math scores of American teenagers. The Nation's Report Card released Wednesday revealed the alarming trends.

According to a report, the math scores of children aged 13 years old dropped by nine points between the 2019-2020 and 2022-2023 academic years. Similarly, the reading scores also decreased by four points. Comparing these two scores shows that the math scores have significantly declined over the past decade.

According to the data released by the NAEP, the performance of students who were labeled as "lower performing" has significantly worsened. The press release noted that the scores of these individuals, who were aged 13, dropped at all five levels. The graph shows that the decline in the scores of these students is more significant than that of those with higher scores.

The results of the assessments revealed that the lowest-performing kids have not been able to improve their math scores since 1978. Likewise, the reading scores have also dropped. These alarming findings highlight the lack of academic preparation for the future generation of students.

The various factors that have been identified as contributing to the learning loss include the failure of public schools, teachers' unions that do not care about the teaching profession, and the increasing emphasis on ideology instead of the traditional three R's. Unfortunately, the lockdowns, remote learning, and social isolation have also caused irreparable harm to our teenagers.

The blame for the poor results of the assessments falls on the shoulders of the Biden administration and certain individuals, such as Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci. Due to their actions, parents were ridiculed, shamed, and threatened with retaliation. These findings confirm the fears of many parents about the declining educational levels of their children.

According to Nicole Neily, the founder and president of the Parents Defending Education organization, the results of the assessments show that families are aware of their children's educational needs, but traditional education officials have no interest in helping them succeed. This is why it is clear that the policies of the Biden administration are not helping the country's students.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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