
Biden’s Cozy Ties to Son’s Biz Pal Exposed – Tucker Carlson Dumbfounded!

During an extraordinary interview with Devon Archer, Tucker Carlson uncovered a letter from Joe Biden to him, which revealed a shocking connection between the two. The letter, which was written on January 20, 2011, shows Biden's deep affection for Archer. It further proves that he was not shy about taking advantage of his position.

In a letter addressed to Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, the partner of Rosemont Seneca Partners, apologized for not being able to meet with him during the luncheon. He noted that he was having a hard time getting around due to President Hu. Hoping that they'll get another chance to talk to him soon.

Who could resist a letter from Biden, the second-highest-ranking official in the nation? Not Archer, who appreciated his attention.

Carlson was stunned by the letter's contents. In it, the US Vice President apologized to a man who was not a government official for being too occupied with the leader of the world's largest nation.

Carlson's skepticism immediately kicked up. He couldn't help but notice that the letter was thanking Archer for introducing the idea of a government-focused strategic advisory firm to the private equity industry. Archer tried to explain that it was a nice gesture, and he believed that Biden was excited about the potential of Hunter.

It was a lovely gesture, and I'm sure Biden was thinking about his son's business interests. But, shouldn't he be focused on governing the country instead of foreign business deals?

Carlson, who is known for his thorough reporting, pointed out the odd nature of Biden's actions and the potential impropriety of his position. Although Biden is the US' vice president, he was still talking about business deals with Archer.

Archer tried to explain that he had been very successful in finding the right company and regulatory environment, but he admitted that being too close to the sun eventually burnt him.

The letter further raised questions about Biden's potential conflicts of interest and his knowledge about the potential ethical issues involved in his son's business ventures. As noted by Carlson, the US' vice president is not allowed to work on foreign governments' business deals while he's in office.

The interview between Archer and Carlson revealed a lot about the intricate relationships that Biden and his family have with one another and the potential ethical issues that they could face. It also added fuel to the ongoing narrative about the Biden family's business activities. However, despite the allegations, no one on the left is likely to pay attention to these issues.

Written by Staff Reports

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