
Biden’s Crime Claims Crumble As Fbi Reveals Spike In 2022 Crime Rates; Trump Gains In Key States

President Biden might want to double-check his bragging rights, as the FBI quietly let slip that violent crime actually rose in 2022. In a move reminiscent of a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, Biden celebrated a crime drop amidst facts pointing in the opposite direction. Not only is this a classic case of wishful thinking, but it also puts him in a precarious position as the country’s crime wave surges, leaving him to fend off a barrage of skeptical voters.

Polling data suggests that concerns over crime could be a trump card (pun intended) for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. A recent survey highlighted by a Breitbart contributor made it clear: folks are not feeling safe, especially in battleground states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona. It seems voters are drawing a direct line between crime rates and their preferred candidate, with Trump coming out on top over Vice President Kamala Harris by a noticeable 10-point margin. As residents of these crucial states brace for another election cycle, it looks like safety will be high on their list of priorities.

Bringing the issue even closer to home, Trump has also highlighted disturbing stories like that of Ruby Garcia, who tragically lost her life to an illegal migrant who had already been deported. Instances like these have resonated deeply with voters who are tired of political games while their safety hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Harris’ history of cozying up to groups that bail out violent offenders isn’t exactly soothing voters’ fears. In fact, many see her advocacy for the Minnesota Freedom Fund as a glaring misstep during times of rising crime.

Furthermore, Harris has previously stated that adding more police on the streets wouldn’t result in increased safety. It’s a head-scratching stance to take, especially now that crime rates are on the rise. As voters cling to their right to feel safe in their neighborhoods, this kind of rhetoric is hardly reassuring. It’s almost as if Harris has made a career out of undermining law enforcement while crime itself becomes a focal point of concern for her constituents.

As the countdown to the election ticks away, it’s evident that Trump’s emphasis on law and order could provide him with a significant edge over Harris. An internal poll from Trump’s campaign indicates he’s leading in all seven key swing states by margins of one to five points. It’s a race of security versus uncertainty, and voters appear to be leaning toward the candidate who they believe can restore a semblance of safety and order. With crime rates on the rise and a lackluster response from the Harris campaign, the platform of law and order is likely to remain a pillar in Trump’s strategy as the election season heats up.

Written by Staff Reports

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