
Biden’s Daytime Presidency: Doubts Skyrocket Over Age, Stamina and Rare Public Appearances!

President Biden’s busy schedule and advancing age have become a point of concern for both his advisers and his wife, Jill. Despite being 81, Biden continuously insists that he is bursting with youth and vitality, a claim that has caused many of his aides to raise an eyebrow. One ex-Biden adviser even went so far as to declare that the president’s own decision-making is the biggest obstacle to his well-being and schedule. It has been reported that his appointments are often limited to the hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., leaving his daily agenda congested during those times. This has sparked worry amongst both Republican and Democratic voters about his mental fitness to handle the presidency, especially given the prospect of him potentially serving into his 90s should he win reelection in 2024.

Furthermore, President Biden’s physical state has also raised eyebrows. He has been observed losing his footing on several occasions, most embarrassingly at the Air Force Academy’s commencement ceremony in June. These incidents have left some of his allies yearning for him to be more candid about his physical state rather than brushing off concerns with humor. It’s not just his age that’s causing tension, but also his stamina and ability to lead effectively.

Critics have pointed out that despite Biden’s claims of feeling youthful, he is rarely seen in public, seldom interacts with the press, and frequently retreats to Delaware. Stephen L. Miller, a contributing editor at Spectator USA, bemoaned the fact that the president barely makes two public appearances a week and almost never takes questions or holds press conferences. As a result, doubts have been mounting about his capability to fulfill the duties of the presidency and lead the nation effectively.

Even though President Biden has been adamant about feeling younger than his years, there is a growing sentiment within the White House that he needs to slow down and take better care of himself. His wife, Jill, and several senior aides are reportedly encouraging him to ease up on his schedule. However, the president, known for his lifelong work ethic, is finding it difficult to heed their advice. The debate about his age and stamina has only just begun, and it remains to be seen how he will navigate these challenges as he continues his bid for reelection.

Written by Staff Reports

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