
Biden’s Democrat Support Crumbles: Skydives 11 Points in a Month!

In just over a month, President Joe Biden’s approval rating among Democrats has taken a nosedive, sinking a whopping eleven percentage points, according to a recent poll by Gallup. This record low approval rating of 75 percent comes as the Democrat party grapples with the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. The Democrats are facing difficulties due to the support they have shown for Palestinians, many of whom sympathize with the Hamas terrorists.

It seems that Biden’s unquestioning support for Israel is at the heart of the issue. While Israel has been under constant attack from Hamas, Biden has remained steadfast in his support for the defensive measures taken by the Israeli government. However, this position may be alienating members of his own party who are more sympathetic towards Palestinians. A Gallup poll earlier this year found that Democrats were more likely to sympathize with Palestinians than Israelis for the first time in the history of the survey.

This divide in opinion is especially pronounced among younger generations. The recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll revealed that less than half of Gen Z and millennials believe the U.S. should openly support Israel. This indicates a significant shift in the Democrat party’s stance towards Israel.

Despite the drop in support from his own party, Biden remains resolute in his support for Israel’s defensive actions against Hamas. He has made it clear that the United States stands behind Israel and will ensure its ability to defend itself. However, critics argue that Biden’s support for Palestinian aid could potentially end up benefiting Hamas, further complicating the situation.

Overall, the poll indicates a bleak picture for President Joe Biden. Not only has his approval rating among Democrats plummeted, but his overall approval rating has also fallen by four points to 37 percent. Independents have shown even less support, with only 35 percent approving of Biden, while a measly five percent of Republicans approve. It seems that Biden has a long road ahead to regain the support of his party and the American people.

This poll highlights the growing divide within the Democrat party when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict. It is disheartening to see Democrats sympathize more with terrorists than with one of America’s closest allies. President Biden’s unwavering support for Israel is commendable and reflects his commitment to the security and well-being of our ally. It is crucial for the Democrats to reevaluate their stance and prioritize the safety of Israel and its people. Only then can we hope to achieve a lasting peace in the region.

Written by Staff Reports

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