
Biden’s DOE Targets Water Heaters, Kiss Freedom Goodbye!

President Joe Biden and his Department of Energy (DOE) are at it again, folks. This time, they’ve set their sights on your trusty water heaters. Yep, you heard that right. No appliance is safe from their clutches!

In a press release that could give anyone a case of the yawns, the DOE announced their latest grand plan. And surprise, surprise, it’s all in the name of their precious climate change agenda. But do they have the guts to admit it? Nah. Instead, they’re trying to tempt us with promises of saving money. As if we haven’t heard that one before!

So what’s in this new regulation, you ask? According to Fox News, it’s all about making water heaters more efficient. They want to force heat pump technology on us and make gas-fired water heaters use condensing technology. Sounds fancy, right? Well, here’s the catch: those non-condensing gas-fired water heaters we all know and love? They’re cheaper and smaller. But who cares about that when saving the planet is at stake, right?

Hold onto your wallets, folks, because this regulation is set to take effect in 2029. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm couldn’t contain her excitement as she announced this brilliant plan: “slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions.” Oh, the joy! But hey, what about the joy of having a say in what appliances we choose for our homes? It seems like the Biden administration forgot about that little thing called freedom.

But wait, there’s more! The DOE claims that Americans will save a whopping $200 billion with all these regulations combined. They must think we’re all naïve as can be. And as for those poor manufacturers, they might face losses of millions or gains of millions. What a gamble! But hey, as long as the government gets their way, who cares about the consequences?

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert, but let’s just say that many experts are raising their eyebrows at these so-called “savings.” Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, hit the nail on the head when he said, “Consumers aren’t going to like any of it.” These regulations only serve to limit our choices and restrict our freedom. And last time I checked, that’s not what America is all about.

So, buckle up, folks, because the Biden administration is on a mission to control every appliance in your home. Say goodbye to your beloved water heaters, because they’re next on the chopping block. And if you do happen to save a few bucks here and there, just remember that it’s all at the expense of your freedom to choose. God bless America, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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