
Biden’s DOJ Crusades for Abortion, Pro-Lifers Pay the Price

In May of last year, there was a leak of the Supreme Court opinion of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which led to the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade. The Biden administration and other pro-abortion Democrats couldn’t contain their outrage at the thought of losing their precious Roe v. Wade. They weren’t as concerned about finding the leaker as they were about continuing their relentless attacks on pro-life individuals and organizations. It’s been 18 relentless months since the leak, and it’s clear that the Biden administration has made it a top priority to protect and promote abortion rights with no regard for the sanctity of life or the rule of law.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Biden administration’s lackey, has been bending over backwards to cater to the pro-abortion agenda. He recently gave remarks at the Reproductive Rights Task Force, where he spent more time discussing unrelated allegations about a former U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia acting as a foreign agent for Cuba than he did discussing the topic at hand. When he did finally get around to it, he made it abundantly clear where his loyalties lie. He boasted about how the Justice Department has been working tirelessly to defend so-called “reproductive freedoms” protected by federal law and monitoring state laws that encroach on women’s reproductive rights.

Garland singled out specific state laws in Alabama, Idaho, and Texas, expressing the DOJ’s fervent intention to ensure that mifepristone, an abortion-inducing drug, remains easily accessible. He also emphasized the DOJ’s enforcement of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which targets anyone obstructing access to reproductive health services, including abortions. It’s clear that the Biden administration’s priority is protecting and promoting abortion at all costs.

The DOJ’s biased enforcement of the FACE Act has been glaringly evident, with pro-life activists being unfairly targeted and prosecuted. Last year, the DOJ unjustly charged pro-life activist Mark Houck under the FACE Act, despite local prosecutors dropping charges against him. Agents even stormed his home in the early hours of the morning, terrifying his family. Although Houck was ultimately found not guilty, the DOJ’s blatant bias against pro-life individuals is undeniable.

Meanwhile, attacks on pro-life organizations and churches have been alarmingly frequent since the Dobbs decision was leaked. Catholic churches, in particular, have been targeted, with at least 357 attacks reported since the leak. Yet, the Biden administration has turned a blind eye, refusing to open any FACE Act cases in response to these despicable acts of violence.

The bias and one-sidedness of the Biden administration’s approach to reproductive rights have been shockingly evident, especially considering the disproportionately high rate of violence against pro-life individuals and organizations. It’s clear that the Biden administration will stop at nothing to advance its pro-abortion agenda, disregarding the rights and safety of those who uphold the sanctity of life. The relentless attacks and bias must come to an end, and it’s high time for Congress to take action to protect the rights of all Americans, born and unborn.

Written by Staff Reports

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