
Biden’s DOJ Helps Hunter Evade Justice: Trump Warned Us!

Conservative pundits are hardly surprised that the Joe Biden administration is going to arbitrary lengths to help his son, Hunter Biden, to evade justice. Former President Trump, who was known for his relentless pursuit of justice, had warned us about this situation long before Joe Biden even became president. Trump had repeatedly stated that the Democrats would do whatever it takes to make themselves look good, even if it meant downplaying Hunter Biden’s numerous crimes.

It is evident that the DOJ’s decision to offer Hunter Biden a sweetheart plea deal for his tax fraud and illegal gun purchase is a clear indication of their corrupt practices. The illegal possession of firearms and tax evasion are serious legal offenses that require substantial fines and the possibility of imprisonment. Still, the Biden administration reduced these charges to mere misdemeanors in a bid to save its face.


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The former president’s predictions could not have been truer; the DOJ has cleared Hunter Biden of hundreds of years of criminal responsibility. The plea deal has sparked outrage across the conservatives and legal analysts who find it highly controversial and laughable, to say the least, and it is clear that the administration is once again bending the law to fit their narrative.

Trump took to Truth Social, his new social media platform, to express his disapproval of the DOJ for letting Hunter Biden walk free, alluding to how his corrupt team is settling scores for Joe Biden’s role in elevating them to power. In a series of tweets, the former president called out the DOJ and expressed his disapproval of the Biden family’s antics. It is evident that Hunter’s charges have already been reduced to the status of a traffic ticket, and it’s only a matter of time when DOJ will drop the charges altogether.

All in all, the Biden administration has once again shown that it is only interested in promoting its propaganda, even at the cost of compromising justice. This begs the question: What other illegal and unethical acts is the Biden family hiding?

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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