
Biden’s Downward Spiral: States Rising to Restore America’s Glory

The federal government has been on a roll lately, and by that, we mean a downward spiral into total incompetence. The Biden administration and state governments are hell-bent on plunging the nation into energy poverty by ditching reliable fossil fuels and embracing the whimsical world of wind and solar power. But hey, who needs consistent electricity anyway? Poverty just adds a little spice to life.

Not only that, but these geniuses thought it would be a great idea to bully people into taking experimental genetic injections. Turns out, their little experiment didn’t quite go as planned. It’s almost like injecting unknown substances into your body carries some risks. Who knew?

And let’s not forget about our border, which is about as secure as a screen door in a hurricane. While our fearless leaders are busy turning a blind eye to the chaos, foreign investors are snatching up our farmland faster than you can say “Chinese takeover.” But it’s all good, right? Who needs food security when you can have cheap Chinese goods?

Meanwhile, crime is running rampant in our cities. Thanks to the brilliant minds in charge, it’s now harder for police to arrest criminals, and when they do catch someone, city attorneys refuse to prosecute. So, basically, criminals have free rein to wreak havoc while law-abiding citizens cower inside their homes. Don’t worry, though, our fearless leaders will surely come up with a solution soon. Maybe they’ll organize a dance-off or something.

Oh, and did we mention the rise in violent mobs and attacks on innocent people? Apparently, the U.S. press only cares about the racial element if the perpetrator is white. But hey, who needs consistency in reporting when you can push a narrative, right?

And let’s not forget about the wonderful world of government-run schools, where children are being indoctrinated into hating each other based on their race and religion. And don’t worry, misbehavior and crime on school grounds have never been higher! It’s like the Wild West, but with backpacks instead of six-shooters.

But wait, there’s more! Did you know that a whopping 12% of websites have pornography? And according to the stats, a good chunk of American men and women are indulging in the smut. Maybe it’s time to address this issue, but of course, the courts and the federal government are too busy protecting our “constitutional right” to porn. Because nothing says freedom like getting your jollies on the internet, right?

Oh, and let’s not forget about the federal government’s fantastic financial track record. They’re borrowing trillions of dollars every year while our tax collections dwindle. But don’t worry, we can just keep printing money and inflating prices. Who needs a stable economy when you can play fast and loose with the dollar?

Now, all this government failure might sound grim, but fear not! There’s a silver lining. If the federal government were to collapse, it might just be the best thing that ever happened to us. Sure, there would be some temporary hiccups like Social Security going down the drain and food shortages, but in the long run, it would be worth it.

Imagine a world where the states, especially the red ones, step up and take charge. They could restore order, protect our borders, and actually take care of the less fortunate in a sensible and affordable way. Take a look at Texas and their efforts to secure the border – that’s what real leadership looks like.

So, let’s embrace the chaos and revel in the failures of the bloated federal government. Maybe it’s time for a little devolution of power. After all, until the government stops making promises it can’t keep, we’re just going to keep spiraling into the abyss. And let’s face it, we could use a little shake-up in this country. It’s time for the states to rise and shine, while the federal government fades into oblivion.

Written by Staff Reports

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