
Biden’s Early Bedtime Raises Concerns About His Fitness for Four More Years

A few days ago, President Joe Biden told Democrat lawmakers he couldn’t work past 8 p.m. because he needs to tuck himself in early. If there were any doubts left about Biden’s stamina for another four years in office, this might just put them to bed—literally.

The pressure has been mounting on Biden since his embarrassing debate performance against former President Donald Trump. As if that wasn’t enough of a facepalm moment, his first post-debate interview with ABC News turned into a train wreck when Biden tried to assure voters he was mentally fit for the job.

Even CNN’s Jake Tapper, not exactly known for his conservative views, aired a hard-hitting montage exposing Biden’s incoherence. Tapper openly criticized the Democratic Party for being late to acknowledge what right-leaning media has been pointing out for a long time: Biden’s mental faculties are questionable, to say the least.

The icing on the cake came when Tapper showed a clip from Biden’s interview where the president mistakenly claimed he was the first Black woman to serve with a Black president. Tapper’s response? Let’s just say it wasn’t a glowing endorsement of Biden’s mental sharpness. This rare moment of CNN truth-telling has spread like wildfire among viewers desperate for a dose of reality.

According to a recent national poll, only 29 percent of likely voters believe the 81-year-old president has the necessary mental acuity and stamina to serve in office. A staggering 61 percent disagree. Furthermore, 52 percent of respondents want Biden replaced in the next election, while only 33 percent think he should be the Democratic nominee.

And then there’s the matter of Biden’s early bedtime. Concerns have rightfully been raised by the New York Post about having a commander-in-chief who hits the hay at the same time as a toddler. In the event of a national or international crisis late at night—whether it be a looming threat from China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea—can Americans count on a president who’s busy counting sheep?

Being the President of the United States is a 24/7 job, not a comfy 9 to 5 gig with generous PTO. Yet, Biden seems to treat it that way, spending over 40 percent of his presidency on vacation. It’s no wonder the nation’s problems are piling up like his unread briefing folders.

The sad reality is that as long as Biden is in the White House, the United States is on cruise control towards disaster.

Written by Staff Reports

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