
Biden’s Economic Magic Act Fails, Approval Crashes to 32%!

President Biden’s attempt to convince Americans that he’s some kind of economic wizard has totally crashed and burned! A recent Gallup poll showed that the public’s approval of his job on the economy plummeted to a measly 32 percent. Ouch!

It’s like watching a game where the home team is losing big time, and the coach just keeps making bad calls. In August, Biden’s economic approval rating had crept up to 38 percent, but now, it’s at a sad, sad 32 percent. Looks like folks are not drinking the Bidenomics Kool-Aid.

Even with the consumer price index not shooting through the roof in October, with inflation at a relatively low 3.2 percent, the public still ain’t buying what Biden is selling. It’s like trying to convince a kid that broccoli is as good as chocolate cake – it ain’t happening!

And get this – women are slightly more approving of Biden’s economic performance than men. But when you break it down by age, it gets even juicier. Younger voters are seriously unimpressed. Among 18 to 34 year olds, Biden’s economic approval rating is a depressingly low 28 percent. Come on, Uncle Joe, you’re not winning any fans with the young crowd!

But wait, there’s more! Democrats might be giving Biden a standing ovation on the economy, with a whopping 72 percent approval, but independents are not amused, with a pitiful 24 percent approval. And surprise, surprise, only THREE percent of Republicans are on board with Bidenomics. Talk about a partisan split!

If that’s not enough, there’s a wealth gap in approval, too. Biden’s claim that he’s all about growing the economy “from the bottom up” is getting side-eyed by many. Higher earners are giving him a slightly better 38 percent approval, while lower-income folks are slapping him with a measly 26 percent thumbs up.

It’s like trying to sell ice to penguins – Biden’s economic pitch is just not cutting it with the American people. Looks like it’s back to the drawing board for old Joe!

Written by Staff Reports

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