
Biden’s Energy Secretary Denies Plan to Kill Fossil Fuels, Ignoring His Own Words

In a classic case of political backtracking, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm had the audacity to claim that President Joe Biden never said he would put fossil fuels “out of business.” It’s as if she thinks we have amnesia and can’t recall the countless times Biden expressed his disdain for the oil and gas industry.

Granholm’s denial came during an interview on CNBC, where she attempted to rewrite history by asserting that she never heard Biden make such a statement. Well, Madam Secretary, perhaps you should consult YouTube because the evidence is readily available.

During an interview with The Weather Channel in August 2023, Biden openly admitted that he wanted to “stop all drilling.” That’s right, folks, he wanted to completely halt one of the most critical industries in our country. Of course, his attempts were thwarted by legal battles, but the intention was crystal clear.

Let’s not forget the 2020 presidential debate where Biden confidently proclaimed that he would “transition from the oil industry.” He even had the audacity to argue that fossil fuels must be replaced by renewable energy over time. It’s a nice thought, but anyone with a basic understanding of our economy knows that it’s simply not feasible.

But here comes Granholm with her empty promises of a “managed transition” and the illusion that fossil fuels aren’t going away anytime soon. It’s no surprise that she conveniently forgets to mention Biden’s pledge to stop giving federal subsidies to the oil industry. That’s just another blow to the hardworking men and women who rely on these jobs to support their families.

It’s truly astonishing to see how easily these politicians twist the truth to fit their narrative. Granholm talks about reducing greenhouse gas emissions as if that somehow justifies the attack on our energy sector. But what about the thousands of jobs lost? What about the rising energy costs for everyday Americans?

This is just another example of the Biden administration’s disregard for the hardworking Americans who keep our country running. They continue to push their radical agenda, all while ignoring the devastating consequences it has on real people. We deserve leaders who will prioritize the needs of the American people, not their own misguided ideology.

Written by Staff Reports

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