
Biden’s EV Dream Hits Roadblocks: Pricey Cars, Soaring Insurance, and China’s Grip

Hey there, folks! Buckle up, because the Biden Administration’s electric vehicle (EV) agenda is speeding ahead faster than you can say “environmental elitism!” Sure, they may want to save the planet and all that, but let’s not ignore the hurdles and headaches along the way. Driving an electric vehicle may sound flashy and futuristic, but it comes with a hefty price tag, insurance woes, supply chain vulnerabilities, and the inconvenient truth that consumers might not be as gung-ho about this transition as the Biden team would like to believe.

First things first, let’s talk cold, hard cash. According to Kelley Blue Book, the average cost of an electric vehicle last year was a jaw-dropping $61,488, while gas-powered cars were a “mere” $49,507. Who knew virtue signaling would come with such a hefty premium? It’s no wonder that EVs remain an exclusive club for the well-heeled. If EVs want to be affordable for the average Joe, they need to come down to earth, price-wise.

But wait, there’s more! Insurance costs for electric vehicles are enough to make your head spin. You see, those fancy EV batteries can cost up to a mind-blowing $25,000 to replace. One little fender bender, and poof! Your vehicle gets labeled as totaled faster than you can say “electric shock!” So, it’s no surprise that if you own an EV, you’re stuck with insurance premiums that are, on average, 26% higher than those for gas guzzlers. Ouch! So much for saving money on gas.

Now, here’s a fun fact for you: China holds the keys (or should we say the lithium) to the electric vehicle kingdom. In 2021, China produced a whopping 75% of the world’s lithium batteries. Talk about a monopoly! Relying so heavily on one nation for these crucial resources is like putting all your eggs in a Beijing-shaped basket. We need to diversify our supply chain, folks, or risk getting tangled up in some serious geopolitical drama. We’ve got enough on our plate already!

But maybe we don’t need to diversify our supply chain after all because, drumroll please, the market demand for electric vehicles might not be as shockingly high as the Biden team assumes. According to a poll by the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute, only 19% of consumers are “very likely” to buy an EV, while a whopping 47% are saying “thanks, but no thanks.” Turns out, folks are worried about the availability of charging stations and the exorbitant costs of electric cars. Who would’ve thought? It seems like the market just can’t keep up with the administration’s electric dreams.

Oh, and while we’re at it, did you know that electric vehicles make up a measly 6.5% of the auto market? Meanwhile, gas-powered cars are dominating the roads with a 54-day supply, while EVs are collecting dust with a 92-day supply. Looks like the market is speaking loud and clear, folks, and it’s telling us that electric vehicles might not be the silver bullet the Biden team wants us to believe. Maybe, just maybe, they should pump the brakes on forcing this transition and actually listen to what consumers want.

So, friends, as we speed down the road to an all-electric future, let’s not forget the obstacles and concerns lurking in the shadows. Sure, saving the planet is a noble goal, but let’s not sacrifice common sense and affordability for the sake of virtue signaling. Striking a balance between environmental aspirations and the realities of the market is the only way to ensure a successful and sustainable transition. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a humble conservative with a knack for common sense and a love for freedom on four wheels.

Written by Staff Reports

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