
Biden’s EV Obsession Backfires: Dems Revolt, Workers Demand Shift

President Joe Biden’s obsession with electric vehicles (EVs) is starting to blow up in his face, and even Democrats are starting to question his radical agenda. In Connecticut, the Democratic governor, Ned Lamont, has decided to backpedal on his plan to mandate future EV purchases after facing massive pushback from lawmakers. It seems that not everyone is thrilled about following in California’s footsteps. And can you blame them?

Let’s be real here, folks. The American people are not running to the nearest car dealership to splurge on expensive and inefficient EVs. In fact, 3,000 auto workers have had enough and sent a letter to President Biden, demanding that he change course. These hardworking individuals, who know more about the automobile market than any “government agency, think tank, or polling firm,” are telling it like it is. They simply can’t keep up with the influx of EVs that nobody wants. They’re piling up on the lots faster than a politician can backtrack on campaign promises.

While the idea of transitioning to electric vehicles may sound nice in theory, the reality is that most Americans aren’t ready to make the switch. These vehicles are unaffordable for many folks, and not everyone has access to home chargers or public charging stations. Plus, there are concerns about driving range in extreme weather conditions and the loss of range when towing. It’s clear that the technology isn’t there yet to meet the needs of the majority of consumers.

But let’s not let the facts get in the way of President Biden’s grand plans. Despite the massive losses companies like Ford are facing – $60,000 per EV produced, to be exact – the Biden administration thinks it’s a great idea to pump taxpayer dollars into subsidizing these failures. Seriously? We’re already dealing with skyrocketing inflation, and now they want to throw even more money down the drain?

It’s time for President Biden to hit the brakes on his unrealistic EV mandate. Let the technology improve, let the prices come down, let the charging infrastructure be built, and most importantly, let the American people make their own choices. We don’t need the government dictating what kind of vehicle we should buy. It’s called freedom, folks, and it’s what this country was built on.

In the end, President Biden’s push for EVs is proving to be nothing more than a costly and impractical dream. It’s time to prioritize the needs and wants of the American people, rather than trying to force them into something they’re just not ready for. And hey, if you really want to go green, maybe focus on planting some trees instead of planting unrealistic regulations. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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