
Biden’s Grand Canyon Chat Ends in Freefall!

In a recent interview at the Grand Canyon, President Joe Biden once again showed his lack of understanding and coherence when it comes to climate change and national emergencies. He claimed that he had already declared a national climate emergency, which is simply not true. It’s typical of Biden to twist the truth to fit his narrative, even when the facts don’t support him. And let’s not forget his creepy habit of touching people inappropriately, like he did with Stephanie Abrams during the interview.

But the real concern here is Biden’s misplaced priorities. He seems more focused on climate change than on the defense and security of our nation. He mentioned “preparing the military by trying to deal with the climate stuff,” as if climate change should be the military’s main concern. Our military’s primary duty is to protect our country, not to tackle climate issues.

Biden’s response to a question about protecting migrants fleeing extreme weather in their countries was equally baffling. He seemed to suggest that it’s our responsibility to provide better lighting and change the physical environment in those countries. This is a dangerous and unrealistic approach. We can’t solve all the problems of the world, and it’s not the federal government’s job to replace every lead pipe in America or transmit wind power over lines.

Perhaps the most concerning remark from Biden was when he admitted that he wants to stop all drilling and is only being stopped by the courts. This would have disastrous consequences for our economy, energy independence, and national security. It’s clear that Biden’s policies are a horror show, and his deteriorating mental state only amplifies the danger he poses as the leader of our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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