
Biden’s Gun Control Flunks as Record High Firearm Ownership Soars!

Gun ownership in the United States has skyrocketed to a new high, as revealed by a recent NBC News national poll. Despite Joe Biden’s relentless push for gun control, a majority of respondents stated that there is a gun in their household. This is quite an achievement, considering that in 2013, only 42% of Americans reported gun ownership in their homes. By 2019, that number had already jumped to 46%.

According to Micah Roberts, a prominent figure from a Republican polling firm, this increase in gun ownership over the past decade is stunning. He co-conducted the poll with members of Hart Research and emphasized the magnitude of the shift. Generally, changes of this nature occur gradually when it comes to fundamental aspects like gun ownership. However, the American people seem to be defying the White House’s anti-gun rights message and the media’s biased reporting on the issue.

In fact, a recent Harvard poll reinforced the sentiment that gun ownership is considered necessary by a significant majority of voters, with six out of ten acknowledging its importance for protecting their families. This indicates that the American public is turning away from the Biden administration’s relentless push for stricter gun control measures.

The implications of this surge in gun ownership could be significant, especially as the 2024 election approaches. As Turley pointed out, while certain rights may seem abstract, owning a gun gives voters a tangible investment that holds value not just monetarily, but also for personal safety and security. This investment creates a real stake for individuals in debates regarding limiting gun rights or bans on certain firearm types.

Despite Biden’s efforts to ban assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and enforce universal background checks for all firearm sales, the American people are standing firm in their support of the Second Amendment. Earlier this year, Biden shamelessly exploited a tragic school shooting in Nashville to advocate for gun control, blaming Republicans for not supporting his agenda. But the people see through his political maneuvering and understand that their right to bear arms should not be infringed upon.

With Biden’s recent executive order targeting the gun industry and inching closer to universal background checks, it is clear that his administration is determined to undermine the Second Amendment. However, the polls reveal a growing resistance among the American people, who firmly believe in their right to protect themselves and their loved ones. The surge in gun ownership is a clear testimony to the people’s rejection of the Biden White House’s anti-gun agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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