
Biden’s HHS Crushes Free Speech: Pronoun Madness Jeopardizes Jobs!

In a shocking display of ideological tyranny, the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has implemented a new mandate that infringes on the rights of its employees. Under this mandate, HHS employees are now required to comply with the preferred gender pronouns of individuals with gender dysphoria. This absurd policy, which violates the First Amendment rights of federal employees, could even lead to terminations for those who refuse to conform to the radical left’s delusions.

Former HHS official Roger Servino, who is now Vice President for domestic policy at The Heritage Foundation, has been a vocal critic of this mandate. He rightly points out that the government has no right to force its employees to speak falsehoods or embrace an ideology that goes against their religious beliefs. Servino’s expertise and legal background make it clear that this mandate is nothing short of a violation of free speech and religious freedom.

The HHS pronoun mandate not only requires employees to use preferred pronouns, but it also demands that transgender employees be allowed to change their names in official records and have access to facilities that align with their chosen gender identity. This means that men who identify as women could potentially be granted access to women’s locker rooms and restrooms, a direct violation of civil rights laws that protect the privacy and safety of women.

Servino highlights the absurdity of the situation, stating, “It used to be that if you allowed a man to get naked in front of a woman in the workplace, that is instantly a violation of civil rights law.” Yet, under this mandate, the government is essentially endorsing such violations by prioritizing the so-called rights of transgender individuals over the rights of others.

Additionally, Servino cites the landmark case of West Virginia vs. Barnette, which affirmed the right to dissent and refuse to participate in forced speech. He draws a parallel between this case and the HHS pronoun mandate, arguing that individuals have the right to their faith and cannot be coerced into denying their beliefs as a condition of employment.

It is deeply concerning that the HHS, under the leadership of transgender Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel L. Levine and radical leftist Secretary Xavier Becerra, is pushing such an extreme agenda. The confirmation of Levine, who lacks a basic understanding of biology, raises serious questions about the decision-making process within the department. How can someone in a position of authority be trusted to make sound policies when they deny the biological realities of gender?

The Biden-Harris Administration’s willingness to trample on the rights of federal employees and force them into compliance with a radical ideology is deeply troubling. Employees now face a difficult choice: stay silent and compromise their faith, or speak out and risk becoming a target. This is not the America we know and love, where citizens have the freedom to express their beliefs without fear of retribution. It is time for conservatives to stand up against these oppressive policies and fight for the preservation of our constitutional rights.

Written by Staff Reports

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