
Biden’s Hidden Air Crisis: 46 Close Calls Exposed!

No need to fear, dear readers, because your conservative news writer is here to shed some light on the recent surge of “close calls” between passenger planes in the United States. It turns out, it’s not just a coincidence or a passing interest in air safety. Oh no, it’s much more than that. Buckle up, folks, because it’s time to uncover the truth about these nearly catastrophic incidents.

According to The New York Times, there were a whopping 46 close calls last month alone. Let that sink in. Forty-six times where disaster was narrowly averted! It’s a miracle we haven’t been hearing about planes colliding left and right on the evening news. But why haven’t we? Could it be that the Biden administration is sweeping this under the rug? Shocking, I know.

The Times did some digging and discovered that these incidents are not happening out in the middle of nowhere. No, they’re occurring at or near airports. And guess who’s to blame? That’s right, human error. Mistakes by air traffic controllers are a major factor in these close calls. Can you believe it? Our trusted air traffic controllers, stretched thin by a nationwide staffing shortage, are responsible for putting our lives at risk.

But hey, let’s not put all the blame on the under-staffed air traffic controllers. The Biden administration is equally responsible for this mess. Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary who’s clearly in over his head, hasn’t lifted a finger to address this crisis. It’s no wonder we’re experiencing flight delays and upended schedules in New York and D.C. Thanks a lot, Biden!

And it’s not just the conservatives who are concerned. Even those who work in the air transportation system are afraid for their lives. They’re terrified that a deadly crash is just around the corner. But does the Biden administration care? Apparently not. They’re too busy playing politics to take the safety of American citizens seriously.

Sure, we haven’t had a major plane crash in over a decade, but that doesn’t mean we can rest easy. Close calls and potentially dangerous incidents are happening more frequently than we realize. It’s time for President Biden, Secretary Buttigieg, and the rest of the administration to step up and do their jobs. We need immediate action to address the staffing shortages and ensure our safety record remains intact. Lives are at stake, and it’s high time they start prioritizing the American people over their own political agenda.

So, dear readers, stay vigilant and keep your eyes to the skies. And remember, it’s up to us, the conservatives, to hold our leaders accountable and demand action. Our lives depend on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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