
Biden’s Latest Amnesty Plan Sparks Outrage Amid Rising Migrant Crime and Public Skepticism

In recent weeks, President Joe Biden has clocked in an uptick of entertaining yet worrisome moments that would make even a comedy writer blush. Genuine concerns about his cognitive abilities have spiked, while White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismisses the mounting video evidence as “cheap fakes.” Apparently, Biden’s notorious brain freezes are now a conspiracy too.

Tuesday’s spectacle featured Biden shuffling onto a stage to cheerfully announce his latest brainchild: giving a get-out-of-jail-free card to a million illegal immigrants. As if the border crisis wasn’t chaotic enough, he’s doling out fast-tracked amnesty while migrant crime rates skyrocket. Immediate green cards and a three-year citizenship pathway? It’s like Oprah’s giving out visas – “You get amnesty! And you get amnesty!”

The event was humorously billed as “New Actions to Keep Families Together,” yet the White House website suspiciously omitted a transcript of Biden’s remarks. Well, who could blame them? As Biden attempted to thank Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, he turned it into an avant-garde performance of mumbles and lost thoughts. Mayorkas and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stood by, smiling like proud parents at a kindergarten performance.

During the event, Biden managed to outdo his usual stumbles. In one clip, the president’s words morphed into an incomprehensible string of noises, making one wonder if the teleprompter was glitching. This latest gem of a verbal malfunction is just icing on the gaffe cake.

In a rare lucid moment, Biden had the audacity to claim his amnesty plan is embraced by the American populace. He touted overwhelming support, pretending the nation’s concerns about illegal immigration, and the rising crime associated with it, were mere figments of our collective imagination. Let’s hit pause and rewind to last week’s CBS News/YouGov poll: 62 percent of voters support mass deportations. Sorry, Joe, but reality isn’t on your side.

The illusion continues as Biden’s unilateral decrees ride roughshod over public opinion and common sense. Claiming support while ignoring the glaring statistics of crime and public sentiment is a masterclass in presidential gaslighting. Meanwhile, recent headlines scream the horror stories: an illegal immigrant arrested for a sexual assault of a 13-year-old and another accused of raping and murdering a mother of five. But in Biden’s world, that’s just called Tuesday.

At his press briefing, Jean-Pierre bobbed and weaved through questions about the timing of these political maneuvers, especially curious in an election year. She adeptly dodged, danced, and deflected, living her best life as the administration’s question-avoidance champ.

Equally enlightening were Biden’s recent Juneteenth remarks, riddled with slurs and stumbles, conveniently cleaned from the official White House transcripts. Because, folks, why let facts get in the way of a good “unity” event? The administration’s disdain for transparency matches their commitment to amnesty – overwhelming.

No, really, what’s the message to those suggesting this latest stunt is mere electioneering? Jean-Pierre claims, “I’m not here to talk about election year.” Of course not, because that would require honest accountability, something in short supply these days.

Written by Staff Reports

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