
Biden’s Latest Diplomatic Pick Sparks ‘Obama Third Term’ Fears!

President Joe Biden has chosen Jack Lew, the former Treasury Secretary under President Barack Obama, to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Israel. This nomination has already sparked controversy with members of Congress, who are concerned about Lew’s involvement with the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. It seems like Biden is continuing Obama’s misguided policies, and this appointment is just another example.

Lew has an impressive resume, with experience in both the public and private sectors. He has served as Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Chief of Staff for the President, and Director of the Office of Management and Budget. He also played a role in the creation of the national service program, Americorps. But all of these accomplishments can’t overshadow the fact that he was part of the team that negotiated the Iran deal, a deal that put our national security at risk.

It’s concerning that Biden would choose someone with Lew’s track record to represent the United States in Israel, a key ally in the Middle East. We need an ambassador who is strong on national security and committed to standing up to Iran’s aggression. Unfortunately, it seems like Biden is more interested in continuing Obama’s failed policies than prioritizing the safety and security of the American people. Congress must push back against this nomination and demand someone who will truly prioritize the best interests of our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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