
Biden’s Latest Power Grab: Omicron Booster for All Americans?

President Biden, in his typical fashion, made some bold claims regarding a new COVID-19 vaccine booster during his chat with reporters in Lake Tahoe. He confidently stated that he had asked Congress for funding because apparently, in his own words, it’s “necessary.” Well, Mr. President, forgive us if we don’t blindly trust your judgment on what’s necessary and what’s not.

Not only that, but Biden also suggested that this booster will likely be “recommended” for all Americans, regardless of whether they already got the vaccine or not. So now he wants to play vaccine police and force everyone to get yet another jab? It’s like Biden’s never met a vaccine he didn’t want to mandate.

The proposed booster is expected to contain a version of the new Omicron variant, conveniently named XBB.1.5. It’s all part of the ever-changing narrative of these variants, constantly keeping the fear alive and the power in the hands of those in charge. It’s becoming a never-ending cycle of booster after booster, with no end in sight.

Of course, before we can all be forced to get this new booster, the FDA needs to give it the green light, and the CDC must issue its convenient recommendations. We all know how that goes – the government agencies will fall in line and do whatever it takes to push this agenda forward.

It’s worth noting that back in August, the Biden Administration conveniently requested a $40 billion funding boost from Congress, conveniently not mentioning anything about COVID-19. But now, suddenly, they need more money for a vaccine? It’s clear they have no problem playing politics with our health and using our tax dollars to fund their agenda.

At the end of the day, it’s just another power grab by the Biden Administration. They want to control every aspect of our lives, right down to our own bodily autonomy. It’s time to stop blindly following their mandates and start questioning the motives behind these constant booster requests. We deserve better than a government that thinks it knows what’s best for us, without even asking our opinion.

Written by Staff Reports

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