
Biden’s Mental Miscue: Staff End Press Event Amid ‘Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers’ Babble in Vietnam

Joe Biden’s press conference in Hanoi turned into a trainwreck as he stumbled through his remarks and struggled to answer questions. It started with Biden’s confusion about whether it was evening in Vietnam, which was just the beginning of his embarrassing mishaps. Instead of making a joke about “Good Morning, Vietnam,” he ended up referencing the wrong thing altogether. Not the best move when you’re in Vietnam, Joe.

But the real disaster came when the press conference started. Biden limited the questions to just five preselected reporters, clearly avoiding any unscripted moments. It’s no surprise that he couldn’t handle a free-wheeling press conference like Donald Trump. It’s concerning to think about who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Biden’s confusion continued as he struggled to remember who he had called on and snapped at someone he hadn’t chosen. His comment on China only raised more questions about his competency in dealing with the threats posed by China. It’s clear that they have been emboldened during his time in office.

And it didn’t stop there. Biden seemed to forget that he was on camera and wandered out of frame. Even with his prepared notes, he couldn’t get his answer about global warming right. Tripling the renewable capacity for global warming? What does that even mean?

By the end of the press conference, Biden was going off into “dog-faced pony soldier” land, whatever that means. His staff had to cut him off mid-word and play music to cover up his rambling mess. It’s truly embarrassing, especially on the world stage. This kind of performance is not only a bad look for Biden, but it’s also a threat to our national security. It’s time for someone to step in and take control.

Written by Staff Reports

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