
Biden’s Milwaukee Misstep: Black Voters Not Sold on Prosperity Promise

President Biden’s attempt at rallying Black voters in Milwaukee didn’t quite hit the mark. In his speech to the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, he claimed his economic policies were bringing about a new era of prosperity for Black-owned businesses and communities. But let’s cut to the chase – the reality is not quite so peachy keen.

Sure, Mr. Biden touted a record surge in business startups and a booming Black business ownership, but the numbers paint a less optimistic picture. Inflation has shot up, and grocery prices are through the roof, hitting Black communities especially hard. And let’s not forget about those wage gains – while workers of all backgrounds are feeling the pinch, Black workers have seen their median weekly earnings drop, unlike their counterparts. Unemployment rates for Black workers have also seen a worrying increase, outpacing the overall rise in unemployment.

Let’s not mince words – Wisconsin GOP Chairman Brian Schimming hit the nail on the head when he called out the whopping 17% inflation rate during Biden’s administration. This is hitting everyone in society, and it’s hitting some folks harder than others.

But here’s the kicker – Mr. Biden’s support among Black voters is on a downward spiral. Swing state polls reveal that some are even considering throwing their support behind Mr. Trump in the next election. The lack of enthusiasm from this key demographic could be the Achilles’ heel of Mr. Biden’s reelection bid. Let’s not forget that Black voters formed the backbone of his 2020 win, and losing just a handful of swing states could spell curtains for the Biden administration.

The numbers don’t lie – recent polls suggest that Mr. Biden’s support among Black voters is slipping. A significant chunk of Black respondents are already eyeing other candidates, with some even leaning towards Mr. Trump. The days of riding on a 92% Black voter support from 2020 seem like a distant memory now. So, if Biden wants to keep his keys to the White House, he might want to start buttering up those Black constituents – and fast.

Written by Staff Reports

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