
Biden’s Not-So-Smart Alias Shenanigans: ‘JRB Ware’ Uncovered!

Even the most clueless criminals know the importance of using fake names to avoid getting caught. It’s become a common practice for criminals to use pseudonyms and nicknames to boost their egos and throw off law enforcement. This trend has been around since the rise of organized crime in the 20th century, with even low-level mafia soldiers adopting aliases.

As electronic communication became more widespread, criminals began communicating in codes and using creative aliases. According to a study, by the time Joe Biden was a young boy, a third of criminals were using aliases. It’s not just criminals who use aliases – psychiatrists have even linked the use of aliases to Antisocial Personality Disorder. So clearly, using fake names is not a great look.

Speaking of fake names, let’s talk about Joe Biden. The now-president has been caught using multiple aliases throughout his career. “The Big Guy” is perhaps his most well-known alias, but it’s not the only one he’s used. When he was Vice President, he went by “Robert L Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware.” Now, why on earth would a Vice President need to use aliases? It’s hard to come up with a legitimate reason, unless Joe was involved in some shady secret meetings. But it seems more likely that he just wanted to avoid scrutiny and hide his dealings with his son Hunter.

And speaking of Hunter, let’s not forget the scandal that erupted when emails were released showing that Hunter was using his father’s position as VP to peddle influence. In these emails, Joe Biden’s alias “Robert L Peters” was mentioned multiple times. It’s clear that Joe was aware of what was going on and was more than happy to benefit from his son’s shady business dealings.

It’s no wonder Joe gets defensive whenever his aliases are brought up. He knows he’s been caught red-handed. And let’s not forget, this is the same guy who led the charge against Trump during the Russian collusion investigation, all while his own son was involved in questionable foreign dealings. The hypocrisy is stunning.

So, the use of aliases by criminals and politicians like Joe Biden may seem like a clever tactic, but it’s ultimately a sign of deceit and a desire to avoid accountability. And in Joe’s case, it’s clear that his aliases were just a cover-up for his involvement in his son’s shady business affairs. But hey, forget about it, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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